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Artists of the Century - Michala Petri - Ultimate Collection CD
Artists of the Century - Michala Petri - Ultimate Collection music CD album $14.15 in stock at CD Universe, It's not that easy for a recorder virtuoso.
Amazon.com: Michala Petri - Scandinavian Moods: Music: Edvard ...
Amazon.com: Michala Petri - Scandinavian Moods: Music: Edvard Grieg,Hugo Alfven,Carl Nielsen,Norwegian Traditional,Rolf Loveland,Fini Henriques,Andreas ...
Michala Petri
"If Michala Petri plays, the recorder seems to have no limits. Her charisma, her talent and her unbeatable technique melt to an artistic ideal." ...
Michala Petri on Rhapsody Online
Listen to Michala Petri for free on Rhapsody Online. Full-length songs, albums, downloads, videos, playlists, photos, lyrics, and more.